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Welcome to Psychoactive Records, where sound isn't just heard—it's explored. We're a dedicated resource for music producers, sound engineers, and audio enthusiasts who are passionate about the evolution of sound. Dive deep into articles crafted to inspire your creativity and boost your expertise in music production, the transformation of audio technologies, and innovative mixing techniques. Whether you're seasoned or just starting, you'll find new ways to push the boundaries of what's possible in sound.

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Mixing Techniques

house music mixing techniques
Mixing Techniques

Mixing Techniques in House Music: Crafting the Perfect Beat

House Music Mixing Techniques House music, a genre born in the early 1980s in Chicago, has become one of the most influential styles in electronic ...
mixing techniques for pop music part 1 online courses
Mixing Techniques

Techniques in Mixing for Pop Music: Part 1 – Online Courses for Aspiring Producers

Mixing Techniques for Pop Music Part 1 Online Courses In the world of music production, mixing is an art form that requires both technical skill ...
dj mixing techniques for beginners
Mixing Techniques

DJ Mixing Tips Every Beginner Should Know

Diving into the world of DJing can be both exhilarating and daunting for beginners. As the heartbeat of any party, a DJ’s ability to seamlessly ...


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